Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 1 of 30 paintings in 30 days!

So here I am, painting plein air in my own garden on Day 1 of the challenge to do a painting a day for 30 days, sponsored by the Arizona Pastel Society (no I’m not a member).

garden painting

So here is another reason for starting this blog yesterday. I consider artistic goals, and sometimes I even whisper them to myself… I actually don’t wonder why I seldom meet those goals, but I WOULD like to change that pattern. So, I am saying it out loud – I am doing the 30-paintings-in-30-days challenge. Here is my first painting:

a188pastel_Garden in July3

In the last couple days, lilies have begun to open.. as the yellow lilies on the left, and the pink Lollipop Lillies in the center. Hello Lillies! Thanks for showing up just now.

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