I'm not sure exactly how I failed to meet this deadline. I could tell you what I thought I read in the material for artists, and so on, but the truth is that since retirement I live a life where deadlines are very fluid, if they exist at all. SO - I am stating here - to all 3 of you who actually read this - that I promise I will get my work in to be judged by the deadline this year!! Yes, I will strive to paint good works - maybe great works. And all the other stuff I have to do. And, I will get them in on time.
I painted 5 or 6 decent paintings last year and I submitted the following three a day after judging.
All 3 are 9x12 inches, pastel on sanded Uart surface, 600 grit. From top to bottom, they are: "Fishing for Happiness", "Floating Abodes", and "Rusty Bridge to the Fest". It will be a challenge to paint subjects that I love as much, but I will cross that bridge tomorrow. For now, my goal is simple - get the darn paintings - whatever they are - in on time!!